by Dr. Ellen Brandt
A last quick suggestion about what I'd advise Candidate Trump to do immediately in this last two weeks of his campaign:
Print up as many T-shirts, caps, scarves, and anything else you can manufacture cheaply and fast - i.e. within the next 24-48 hours - with the prominent message Adorable Deplorable.
These items are not to be sold.
They are to be given away en masse to millions of people throughout the country, but particularly in Swing States, where the voting is likely to be close.
Encourage everyone possible to wear the Adorable Deplorable message shirts and caps and urge them to wear them everywhere, in the hope of starting political discussions in unlikely places: the grocery store, a restaurant, a gas station, or anywhere else people congregate.
Make sure to make a substantial number of the shirts in large sizes, since many who will eagerly accept them will be members of the GOP Loyalist Base over age 50 - fully 1/2 of expected voters this cycle - and people tend to be slightly heavier as they age.
Publicize the giveaways both nationally and locally and get as much press and word-of-mouth coverage as you can.
Have campaign staffers wear these shirts and caps, and wear them yourself. You might want to manufacture them primarily in red, white, and blue, already the primary colors of the Make America Great Again shirts and caps.
If there are enough staff and funds to spare, you could also try to stage some Adorable Deplorable contests and events leading up to the election: Most Adorable Deplorable Baby/Family Pet/Grandmother/Trump-friendly celebrity.
The overall message should be: The Other Party and its Candidate proclaims its Elite, Know-It-All, Better-Than-You-Are stance . . . . . Fine! We will turn that stance on its head, by demonstrating we're the Party of Yes, the Party that welcomes everybody, the Party of the hard-working, modest, humane, and decent American Woman and Man and Child.
You think we're Deplorable, Hillary. We know we're Adorable. And we are ready to show it.
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