Sunday, November 13, 2016

Quick Take - Adorable and Certainly Not Deplorable

by Dr. Ellen Brandt


Just three months old and cute as a button, little Donald Trump Otiendo of Kenya is being hailed all over Africa as the world's first "Trump baby."

The tiny tot's parents, Lorna and Felix, belong to the Luo people, an ethnic group that often favors naming newborns after world leaders. The Otiendos were prescient enough to pick the U.S. election's winner back in August - which makes them far better prognosticators than, say, Larry Sabato.

Proud papa Felix Otiendo told Kenya's The Nation newspaper that he hoped the baby would grow up to emulate Trump's values and personality.

"I love people who speak the Truth without any fears," Mr. Otiendo declared. "Most politicians are not sincere."


#partyofyes #ellenbrandt #quicktake #GOP #Republicans #politics #donaldtrump #donaldtrumpotiendo #otiendobaby #kenya #babies #election2016

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