Thursday, October 13, 2016

The Gain Control Series - Higher Education On Higher Ground

by Dr. Ellen Brandt

The Gain Control series offers our two cents worth of advice to Candidate Trump, telling him how we - GOP Base Loyalists - might like him to respond, in debates and otherwise, to specific kinds of attacks by Hillary Clinton.

Next topic: Fixing our universities and colleges.

Clinton says our institutions of higher education should be virtually free for qualified students who can't afford them, with a greatly expanded community college system (possibly to train all those new immigrants coming in through her secret plan for "absolutely open borders") and near-blanket forgiveness of existing student loans.

Republicans, she implies, are skinflints and ogres, refusing to back these wonderful freebies.

Trump Channeling Our Advice (on Higher Education): Secretary Clinton is welcome to dream of rainbows, sprites, and unicorns.

Being more practical - and sensible - most Republicans understand that warm and fuzzy as they sound, plans for all these higher education freebies would send our already out-of-control deficit soaring into the stratosphere, where even much higher tax rates for everyone on everything wouldn't help close the gap.

The Republican Party's most urgent concerns about higher education are quite a bit different from my Opponent's.

We are troubled that our once vibrant and exciting communities of scholars and researchers have become virtual dead pools of political correctness, where not only freedom of research, but freedom of speech and freedom of thought are actively discouraged.

This sad state, prevailing throughout much of academia, has come about quickly but thoroughly - and we all can guess why it's happened.

Recent studies have shown that more than 90 percent - in some cases, 95 percent - of the administrators and professors and instructors at our top universities and colleges admit they are strong supporters of the Democratic Party and of the Globalist Agenda, as pushed ceaselessly by Hillary and Bill Clinton, George Soros, and the Limousine Liberals on Wall Street and within the Mainstream Media.

This is simply not a normal state of affairs - and we add that we would feel exactly the same way, if 90 percent or more of our administrators and professors and instructors were staunch Republicans - or Vegans - or Druids - or Whirling Dervishes.

You simply cannot have a vibrant, exciting, open and welcoming community of scholars and researchers and teachers and students, if everyone is forced to be on the same page politically and philosophically and culturally.

But that's what we do have at many of our traditionally highest-ranked schools today. Faculty and staff seem to be screened, not for merit and talent, but for meekness and how closely they toe the Globalist line. Meanwhile, students are indoctrinated with crazy ideas about "safe spaces," where anyone who dares disagree with Big Brother in any way, shape, or form, cannot intrude on their protected little playpens.

Yes, indeed, Hillary - maybe such colleges should be free, since they don't seem to prepare kids for real life, outside of Never-Neverland.


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