Saturday, October 8, 2016

Quick Take - Another Jobs Report, Another Trip to Limo-Lib Fantasyland

by Dr. Ellen Brandt

At least some GOP-leaning pundits are getting it right this time. Breitbart News ran a 100-percent-correct piece on the significance of the latest Jobs Report, which came out yesterday morning. And other balanced sites - those keeping up the appearance of not being too biased towards President Obama and his "fabulous recovery" pipe dream - have been muted this time around.  

Even some of the television pundits - who tend to act clueless whenever the confusing word "Economy" comes their way, started at long last to concentrate on the most significant figure in every single one of these monthly reports: That some 95 million or so American adults who could be in the paid workforce currently are not.

That means that rather than the near "Full Employment" Economy that Obama, the Clinton campaign, and Democrat Loyalists persist in saying we're enjoying - Oh, happy us! Oh, happy U.S.! - the real, true, bona fide unemployment rate down here on the ground, among us Deplorables and Undesirables, may be about equal to what this country "enjoyed" during the Dust Bowl and the Great Depression - or, think many of us, even worse.



Why even worse? Because this time, the long-term unemployed - those discouraged or despondent or at this point, suicidal - are not primarily blue-collar nor manufacturing workers nor farmers nor Youth with chips-on-their-shoulders, nor selected ethnic groups.

All of those groups may be part of the overall economic picture, but they are far from its totality. There are many more long-term unemployed who are white-collar or no-collar; many highly-skilled craftsmen and highly-educated professionals; many once-prosperous small business owners and once-productive members of the solidly bourgeois Middle Class - which should, if the American Dream still existed, include virtually all of us but now includes very few of us.

The group of Americans most likely to be included in the long-term unemployed - and discouraged and despondent and on the brink of giving up completely - is, as we have long stressed in this series, the already 43 percent of U.S. citizens who are "Gray" Americans age 50 and over.

It no longer matters at all if one is superbly well-educated, superbly experienced, or superbly skilled. Once you hit the Economic Maginot Line the Limousine Liberals' One-World Agenda has set up at age 50, you suddenly become a non-person, almost invisible, without a Voice or a Hope or a Prayer.

(In places like Silicon Valley, of course, this Maginot Line of Age has been moved even younger, so that people who hit the clearly ancient age of 40 are suddenly "senior citizens," who'd better buy some pharmaceuticals, give up their homes and possessions to Millennials, and just shut up about what's happened - or we'll sic Salon, Slate, and the New York Times on you!)

The reason this mass economic attack on People With Gray Hair has been so effective the past 25 years or more is that with the Limo-Libs' near complete control over Academia, Markets, and the Mainstream Media, no one is permitted to talk about what's going on. Dare to do so, You-Silly-Elderly-Person-You, and you will be branded a whistleblower and a troublemaker and be hurt even worse than you would otherwise be hurt.

This has led to an extraordinarily large contingent of culturally disenfranchised and emotionally dejected Gray citizens over age 50 - again, now more than 2 in 5 Americans and fully 1/2 of all probable voters in 2016, 2020, 2024, and 2028. This contingent - this army - of the "Gray Dejected" are doing all they possibly can do to save face - and in the process, skewing the Jobs numbers even more than they're already skewed.

Highly-skilled and highly-educated Grays pretend that they're still holding their own as small business owners or consultants of various kinds. That means the Jobs stats fail to "catch" them as part of the long-term unemployed - and now virtually unemployable - part of our citizenry.


In like fashion, we Grays are considered stable homeowners, even if those homes are in such egregious disrepair for lack of funds, they are literally falling down upon our heads. Similarly, we may have significant real property of other kinds - stores, farms, small manufacturing facilities - that are now so run-down, they're worth a fraction of what they're listed at in the national stats on property. 

This is our actual American Reality now, away from the Fantasyland of "abundant jobs" and the pure bunk of a "skills gap" that would justify bringing in many millions more very young immigrants - all of whom, presumably, will vote for Democrats. 

About all that's left now, we believe, is to designate the entire One Percent - plus anybody the Thug-Elite finds useful or amusing - as Perpetual Youth, so they can get exemptions when the rest of us - we Deplorables, we Peons, we Undesirables - are herded into a big field, harvested, and repurposed into Soylent Green.



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