Thursday, October 13, 2016

The Gain Control Series - Ticked Off By Taxes

by Dr. Ellen Brandt

This series offers our two cents worth of advice to Candidate Trump, telling him how we - GOP Base Loyalists - might like him to respond, in debates and otherwise, to specific kinds of attacks by Hillary Clinton.

Next up, Taxes - Trump's and everybody's.

Trump Channeling Our Advice (on His Taxes): I think this is really very simple, and I admit I didn't explain myself well the last time my Opponent went on the warpath about this issue.

I have been lucky to be able to afford the very best accountants and advisors and tax lawyers in the world, both for me and for my company. Like any good little client, I don't tell them - as highly skilled and experienced and brilliant as they are - what to do about these matters.

They tell me what to do. I say Yes, because I like them and I trust them absolutely. They've done a great job for me, so why would I have a stake in interfering? I am sure that Hillary Clinton and her wealthy and savvy family members and her wealthy and savvy friends do exactly the same. They follow their accountants and advisors and lawyers, do what they tell you to do, and sign on the dotted line.

Nobody on this earth - not even the sainted Mother Teresa nor Nelson Mandela if they were alive - is going to go against the advice of his or her accountants and lawyers and say, "No, I'm not paying enough in taxes. Do something, so I can pay much more."

And in terms of what to release to whom and when and where, again, I follow the advice of my accountants and advisors and lawyers and continue to do what they believe is in the best interests of my family and my company. That should be my very last word on this subject. If my Opponent wants to harp on it anymore, she's going to have to debate herself, because I'm not going there with her.

Trump Channeling Our Advice (on Everybody's Taxes): Now let's discuss this Tax-Breaks-for-the-Rich business, which has been a Democratic Party theme since possibly the time of the dinosaurs.

First of all, Yes, the GOP as a Party has been in general in favor of lower tax rates - not just for the Rich, but for Everybody, every American, because tax cuts tend to be highly stimulative. And if there is anything this low-growth, stagnant economy the Obama Administration is handing over to the next president needs, it is immediate stimulative action to get our economy moving in the right direction again - and fast!

One of the Democrats' own absolute icons, John F. Kennedy, understood how a stagnant economy needs tax cuts as a stimulative measure, and I had understood that Secretary Clinton was a great admirer of Kennedy and his policies.

Tax cuts - stimulative. More taxes - the opposite of stimulative and generally bad for Everybody. The Rich, the Poor, the struggling masses yearning to breathe free - Everybody!

And a second point I would like to make, which Secretary Clinton, as a former legislator, should certainly understand: Any president, no matter who she or he is, cannot and does not make tax policy in a vacuum. The Executive branch proposes, the Legislative branch debates and discusses and tweaks and tweaks some more - and some more and some more - and we all, jointly, together, come up with our nation's tax legislation.

It's a long process and a valuable process. And what the president does is simply set the tone and the direction, prior to all of us - both major Parties - working together to get things done. Yet another reason my distinguished Opponent's Tax-Cuts-for-the-Rich attack is way off the mark and utilized for propaganda purposes only.


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