Friday, October 28, 2016
Quick Take - Their Pabulum Or Our Truth?
by Dr. Ellen Brandt
Some will not like this particular Quick Take. But at this point in this swamp - this morass - of a filthy dirty campaign, I am stating things that not only need to be said, but also need to be imbibed and absorbed and calcified into the basic core and the basic truth of the Republican Party and its existence for the next 20 years or more.
The most basic truth of all is that we cannot play using the Other Side's playbook and win.
We cannot. We should not. And I sincerely hope we will wake up and decide that we will not.
This basic truth was exhibited in what I consider stark outlines a couple of days ago on one of the biggest so-called Republican Groups at LinkedIn.
I say "so-called" Republican Groups, because some of the GOP Groups on social media, including those purporting to support the Trump campaign, have been badly infiltrated by Botnets allied with MoveOn.Creeps and other "hacktivist" collectives.
The Chatbots they sponsor join our Groups in order to post nonsense - some of it outright seditious nonsense - that they want to be linked to and with the GOP. Or they're there to spew Pabulum much more appropriate to Democratic Party Groups, in the hope we'll be diverted from the real issues and initiatives we need to embrace and instead mouth the "Puppies and Rainbows and Executive Positions for Syrian Refugees" rhetoric of the Clintonistas.
I got a bit testy when a young woman (or young-woman-Bot?) purporting to be a "Republican volunteer" from a key swing state posted extreme Disney-inspired Pabulum about how we need to elect Donald Trump "for the good of future generations of American children," without reference to the realities of this election nor where this country is right now.
This is how I responded to her (name changed to protect the silly):
Debbie, an "Our Children" strategy is the Other Side's strategy, not ours.
This is the 1980 election - Reagan versus Carter - all over again.
Then, my Baby Boomer generation tried to take over the country from older Americans via very similar bombastic propaganda and scandal-mongering - only, of course, not as extreme as this time around, since we Boomers were not in cahoots with Those- Who-Control-the-Media, nor the Markets, nor the Business Community in general.
Now, in 2016, most of my fellow Baby Boomers - people only in our 50s and 60s and the major victims of every bit of "politically correct" behavior the Limousine Liberal Thug-Elite has come up with - want very badly to be able to vote against that Thug-Elite and for the GOP, which at this point is in every way the real "Outsider" Party, no longer in control of almost all the American institutions that count.
I believe all of those older than Boomers - i.e. everybody over age 70 - want to vote with us, too, as do many Gen-Xers, who have begun to turn 50 and have therefore hit the Limousine Liberals' Age Maginot Line, where one ceases to be a valuable and viable American worker - according to the Globalist Agenda of Clinton and Obama and Wall Street and Silicon Valley - and for that reason, ceases to have a Voice which is heard, in the Official Mainstream Media or anywhere else.
What is so different now - different both from 1980 and from every election cycle up until this one - is that we Voiceless Grays - people age 50 and over - are going to be fully 1/2 of all voters this time around and more than 1/2 of all women voters. And it is rather difficult simply to "disappear" 1/2 of the American electorate - although the Clinton forces are trying very, very hard to do so.
Again, the Gray Half of the 2016 electorate wants desperately to vote Republican. But many of us - I am talking generically, not about myself, since I'm an extreme GOP Loyalist - will simply stay home in protest, if the Trump campaign does not ditch its Neocons - especially the most visible ones - and start to embrace fully an anti-Wall Street, anti-Globalist, strongly Populist stance and agenda, with people over 50 at the center, not the periphery, of the campaign.
That was the kind of campaign that won in the U.K.'s Brexit Vote. It's what is beginning to topple Angela Merkel, Globalist Extraordinaire, in Germany. It's the kind of campaign that is prevailing throughout the Developed World - and ironically, almost satirically, for the Globalists, the spread of (Gray Citizen) Populism will also benefit the Developing World, where Globalist policies and the Globalist agenda have caused nothing but suffering and sorrow and turmoil for the World's Poor, whom Globalist propaganda said would be their agenda's main beneficiaries.
In the United States, the Clintonistas and their ilk have gifted us with a Dystopian society - at least for those of us in the 99 percent - us Peons, us Undesirables, us Deplorables.
Trump and his Team need to begin to grasp this fully and to demonstrate once and for all that he is on Our side, not just sponsoring a change of control from the Neo-Liberals to the Neo-Conservatives.
Populists know there is no difference whatsoever between Neo-Conservatives and the One Percenters supposedly on the Democrats' Side. In fact, the NeoCons may be even worse, since they are so transparently insincere and corrupt and, frankly, smarmy.
Every Republican leader and activist should come out as a Populist and an anti-Globalist now - since it is Our people, Our constituencies, and Our communities which have suffered the most from the Globalist agenda.
That Hillary Clinton is receiving - what is it now? 95 percent? 98 percent? of all contributions from Wall Street and from Silicon Valley and from Media conglomerates really says it all.
It demonstrates absolutely and conclusively which Party represents the Fat Cats and which Party represents the Great Unwashed - us Adorable Deplorables, who want to embrace the GOP.
I thought the above was a lovely and persuasive and empassioned plea. But Debbie didn't think so! Here is how she answered me:
"I was one-year-old in 1980. And I read a few months ago that once I reach 38, I'm older than most of the other people still alive. Almost there. I will speak of my children, thank you. Donald Trump will be our next President, and I hope to see you at the inauguration. Let's win this election."
In other words, Pabulum heaped on Pabulum, sprinkled with Fairy Dust, with a side order of Cotton Candy.
I made one last stab at injecting some reality:
Keep up with ClintonSpeak, Debbie, and we will lose in a landslide.
To focus on just one key issue this cycle, Demographics are what's really dictating immigration policy now - both here and throughout the Developed World, plus China, which has a Demographic profile almost identical to that of the United States.
Without more and more future immigration - mostly of the extremely Young - America's Gray Voters over age 50 will be - in an absolute sense - 1/2 of the U.S. electorate in 2016, in 2020, in 2024, and in 2028.
And since we tend to vote in much higher percentages than do the Young or the various other constituencies the Clintonistas rely on - Felons For Hillary! - we are the real Swing Voters, the real Determinant Voters, in this cycle and at least the next three cycles.
You deny that, Debbie - you deny us Grays - you literally hand this election to the Democrats.
More than in any other cycle since 1980, this cycle is based on Realpolitik, not on idealistic politics.
The Democrats helped make it about Realpolitik. And we have to throw that back in their evil little faces.
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