Monday, August 10, 2015

Proud to Be an American "Bimbo"

by Dr. Ellen Brandt

Like most American women, I'd never realized the term "Bimbo" had somehow morphed into an Honorific.

Clearly, though, the term must now be a noble and flattering one. And we all thank Candidate/Etymologist Donald Trump for letting us know we're behind the times on our language's evolution.

Because if Fox News anchor and debate moderator Megyn Kelly is the epitome of a "Bimbo," the title is one to which all American women should aspire:

*** Kelly comes from a modest background - her Dad, who died young, was a college teacher, her Mom, a homemaker - but she has risen to the very top of her profession as a journalist.

"Bimbo," therefore, must describe a self-made woman, without the prop of inherited wealth and its trappings. Surely, that is an admirable thing to be.

*** Megyn Kelly graduated from an excellent university - Syracuse - and America's oldest independent law school, Albany Law.

So "Bimbo" must apply to educated women - or perhaps especially to well-educated women lawyers.

*** After practicing law for a number of years and writing for prestigious journals, Kelly was recruited as a legal analyst by an ABC affiliate television station, covering, among other topics, the U.S. Supreme Court - also her initial specialty at Fox.

That clinches it! A "Bimbo" is not only generally well-educated, she also should have a sophisticated field of specialization, which allows her to explain complicated subjects to a wide general audience.

If that's the case, we should urge our friends, sisters, daughters and other young women to embrace the new "Bimbo" ethic.

*** And speaking of children, Megyn Kelly has three, the youngest a 2-year-old. During a brief maternity leave in 2013, when many non-"Bimbos" might be coddling themselves and their bodies, Kelly spent her time rigorously preparing for a new role at Fox, as sole host of a prime time news show, the Kelly File, which quickly became one of the network's most popular offerings.

Yes, we all get it now, Etymologist Trump!

"Bimbos" are hard-working, high-achieving, intellectually-accomplished American women, whose lives are examples to all around them.

Thanks so much for clearing it up for us.

By this new definition, the ranks of Republican women - and Democratic women - and Independent women - are utterly crowded with "Bimbos" of all ages, from all backgrounds, with all sorts of interests, and in all kinds of jobs.

All I can say is, "American Bimbos Forever!" 


Link to the Party of YES Group at LinkedIn:

Link to Group manager Ellen Brandt's LinkedIn profile:
And her Google+ profile:

Link to the landing page for Bring Back the Meritocracy!, founder Ellen Brandt's project to help the estimated 400 million "Highly-Educated But Under-Employed" in the United States and abroad:

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